Yep, another post about Sam.
Or more appropriately, about the inspiration for him. Summer, According to Sam is almost complete on Vella, and in celebration of publishing episode 43, I promised some pictures that inspired one of the scenes.
First, I have to share this post from my old blog, showing a book Gabe and I made together. I’m not sure where the images are stored, so it’s easier to link it.
The costume mentioned in author notes:

The jungle, just because:
He was under the trampoline with the water hose running on it, creating a jungle for his toys.

And my older son, Noah:
This photo was taken when he was twelve. I used a different one from the same session and changed his eyes in it to use it for the cover. He didn’t like having his picture made and was at his limit when I took this final shot.

Together, Noah and Gabe inspired Sam. They’re 25 and 19 now and still two of my favorite three people in the world.
Those boys are something special.
Love these photos!